National Work Zone Awareness Week

National Work Zone Awareness Week is April 20-24 this year.
Fact Sheet put together by FHWA HQ. Feel free to share with any interested transportation partners. For more...
Everyone plays a role in work zone safety. National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) highlights the deadly dangers of inattention at highway work areas. The week of April 20-24 brings attention to the risks. Let’s put an end to the tragedies and provide “Safe Work Zones for All.” If everyone pitches in, “We Can Do It!”
We strongly encourage each state and locality to participate in NWZAW this year by using social media to remind the public to drive carefully in and around work zones. We understand that individual NWZAW events in your area may be curtailed, postponed, or canceled due to public health precautions made necessary by the coronavirus pandemic, yet we can all raise awareness of this important cause through active use of social media.
Show your support during NWZAW, be part of the solution and drive carefully through work zones. Remember this year’s theme, “Safe Work Zones for All. Protect workers. Protect road users. We Can Do It!”
8 tips to remember when approaching a work zone:
- Expect the unexpected, road conditions may change overnight
- Don't speed or tailgate
- Obey road crew flaggers and pay attention to the signs
- Stay alert and minimize distractions
- Keep up with the traffic flow, don’t slow down and "gawk" at road work
- Know your route and traffic levels before you go
- Be patient and stay calm
- Wear your seatbelt for safety
Not sure how else you can support safe work zones? Participate during NWZAW by:
- Holding a virtual or socially-distance outdoor stand down on Monday (April 20) for Work Zone Safety Training Day
- Change your Facebook profile picture during NWZAW and post/share on social media (remember to use #NWZAW #WorkZoneSafety)
- Watch for new information on ATSSA's Blog and social media channels, then share our posts
- Wear orange and post photos on social media on Wednesday (April 22) for Go Orange Day (use #NWZAW #Orange4Safety)
- Wear the work zone accessories you ordered from The ATSS Foundation and post photos on social media